Stephen Yates


Stephen Yates joined BANG as a research specialist in 2019 and is working on data acquisition and analysis for the measurement of independent fission yields and neutron inelastic scattering cross sections. He received a B.S. with departmental distinction from Duke University in 2016, where he majored in Physics and Economics and minored in Classical Studies. Stephen investigated the gamma-neutron reaction in 80Se at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory at Duke and published the findings of his research in 2018.[1] Stephen is a passionate fan of the band Rush. He loves playing the bass, listening to vinyl, and learning about Ancient Rome. He was born and raised in the Boston area.

[1] S. A. Yates, B. Fallin, C. R. Howell, Krishichayan, W. Tornow, and S. M. Grimes Phys. Rev. C 98, 054621 (2018)

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